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来源:解剖学研究 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2022-01-30
摘要:文章摘要:正Purpose:To present a prospective case series of patients with displaced patellar inferior pole fractures and treated with anterior tension band wiring thmugh cannulated screws. Methods:During a two-year period between Januar

文章摘要:<正>Purpose:To present a prospective case series of patients with displaced patellar inferior pole fractures and treated with anterior tension band wiring thmugh cannulated screws. Methods:During a two-year period between January 2007 and December 2008,ten patients with mean age of 59.8 were identified with distal polar fractures of the patella(A0/0TA classification 45A1).A11 ten patients underwent vertical skin exposure,fracture open reduction and internal fixation by anterior tension band wiring through cannulated screws. Results:There were 3 single fragment fractures and 7 eomminuted fractures. With one-year f01low-up,aU fractures healed clinically in average 8 weeks and radiographically in average 12 weeks.The average range of knee motion are was 122.5 degrees(range 95—140).Five patients have flexion lag with an average of 17 degrees(range 10一30 degrees).No patient had loss 0f fracture reduction,implant migration,material failure,0r soft—tissue irritation.The average Bostman score was 28.7/30(range 27—30),and average SMFA dysfunction score was 24.1/100(range 15—39).AU ten patients stated they were highly satisfied.Conclusions:Anterior tension band wiring through cannulated screws for displaced patellar inferior polar fractures is a safe,simple and reliable alternative treatment wi’th minimal soft-tissue lirritation Cood functional results and recovery can be expected.



文章来源:《解剖学研究》 网址: http://www.jpxyjzz.cn/qikandaodu/2022/0130/732.html


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